You Can Make a Difference!

I have to admit I have been wallowing a bit in negativity about the state of things socially, politically, and of course “infectiously”.  It can feel like the little bit one person does is hardly worth the energy.  That’s a terrible feeling, considering Good Neighbors Group (GNG) has been built around embracing what one person can do to make a difference, so I feel a responsibility to not feel the way that I do.

GNG aims to break down large, overwhelming issues into more tangible pieces people can respond to. We want Good Neighbors Group to be the place people go to to find ways to make a difference.  I get energy from seeing the good things that you all and others do for one another. Hoping that it has the same effect for anyone who shares this conflict, I am sharing some projects and opportunities here that highlight the impact we can make together.

  • Have you heard of Citizen Science? The general public participates in collaborative projects with professional scientists. There are lots of citizen science projects that can be done from your phone or laptop and many can involve kids.  A quick search pulled up this link to 19 citizen science projects. And here’s one I got in my email today from Eco-Cycle.
  • Our partner, Annapolis Green, and other eco-minded groups are celebrating Plastic-free July. We can all do our part to reduce plastic usage by the choices we make in our purchases.
    1. Given the option, buy things with least plastic packaging. Buy bulk, buy loose produce, not packaged. Farmers markets are open – no plastic packaging, and you can bring your own bags.
    2. Those red Solo cups are not recyclable, and neither are plastic utensils. Whenever possible, bring reusables. Make a kit for your bag or car that includes your own fork, knife and spoon. Roll them in a cloth napkin and you can skip the throwaways.
    3. Some stores don’t let you bring your own bags, but if you are just buying one or two items, skip the bag all together. If you live in the suburbs, you’re probably heading to your car anyway where you likely have a bag of your own.

Here’s a link to Annapolis Green’s Plastic Free July

I am grateful to all of the Good Neighbors, part of this group or not, who do good things for one another are creative and continue to inspire.  You all make a difference.  

These small acts might not feel like much, but together we add up.

Our Mission

GNG strengthens communities by creating, sharing and supporting opportunities that have a positive social and environmental impact.

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Mailing Address

574E Ritchie Highway #202
Severna Park, MD. 21146

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We’ll let you know about ways to be a Good Neighbor by sharing service opportunities, events and ways to help in the community. Sign Up today and start reading about  upcoming events and activities and how you can help.

Don’t forget to follow us on Facebook and Instagram, too!

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