Water, Water Everywhere
28aprAll DayWater, Water Everywhere
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There’s much talk about tonight’s State of the Union Address - seems like the perfect day to share the State of the Rivers Report
Event Details
There’s much talk about tonight’s State of the Union Address - seems like the perfect day to share the State of the Rivers Report!
The report is a culmination of the Arundel Rivers Federation’s efforts, whose mission is to protect, preserve, and restore the South, West, and Rhode Rivers by working with local communities to achieve clean, fishable, and swimmable waterways for present and future generations. The current health of the South, West, & Rhode Rivers shows that we still need to improve in regards to water quality. Pollution and water quality are global issues that need local efforts!
Check out news from the Severn River Association and Magothy River Association. Perhaps you enjoy the view, boating, fishing or strolls along the banks. They can use your help - through your awareness, your work as a volunteer, your contributions.
We enjoy many of the benefits the rivers around us provide and we all want to be sure that is true for generations to come. There are so many ways to lend a helping hand!
April 28, 2021 All Day(GMT-04:00)